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Northern Virginia BENG- Business Executives Networking Group

Please join me on  Thursday, April 1st for the Northern Virginia BENG Networking Meeting, which will be virtual, via Zoom. You will receive the log in instructions once you register. See link below.

BENG meetings allow senior business professionals with 10+ years of experience an opportunity to network with other senior level professionals. BENG members include those in career transition, employed professionals who are recruiting, and self-employed professionals. 

This month, I will be leading a discussion on interviewing techniques and how to deal with those difficult questions. Titled, “ Interviewing in a Covid World- Are we just imagining that the questions are becoming harder and tougher or are we just experiencing “Zoom Fatigue”?

Think about a few of those tough questions that you hate to hear and see how others can help you answer them with the greatest of ease the next time you have an interview!